Thursday, September 17, 2020

Lingeries: An Overview

Women's lingerie also known as panties, chemise, pajamas, nightgowns, or nightshirts, is a dress or a outfit worn by women to cover the breast and usually loose fitting on the hips. In habit and fashion,  lingerie is an outfit consisting of a snap front and rear waistband, a fabric garment sewn into liberating garters for leg wear, an extra Pantaloon, a suspender and a waistband. Basically, lingerie is a dress worn by women.

Throughout the world, lingerie has been worn various ways from an integral part of day to evening attire. In fact, the way women wear lingerie has been the subject of many debates over the years. Both women and men are not happy with the way women dress in general, and lingerie in particular, causing some people to believe that it is the woman's fault if men are finding a woman's lingerie desirable. However, this is not true; the sole reason for the preference by men towards women's lingerie is purely based on physique and the perception of sex appealing on a woman. This is known as the principle of "sex attraction". If men found a female of the species highly attractive, they will find her attractive in general; regardless of how she wears her lingerie. The perception of sex attracts men towards women based on physique, and the attraction increases when the woman wears lingerie. Thus, the perception of women by men cannot be excluding. Additionally, because it is believed that women get an upset stomach when they are not properly dressed, lingerie serves to correct this, and so improving one's sex life. Moreover, women feel more comfortable when they are not in their usual clothing; which may include lingerie. Thus, the perception of sex increases when a woman wearing lingerie shows extreme care in deciding what to wear and how to wear it.

Sex Appeal

For men, the mere sight of a woman in lingerie drives a woman's knees them to move forward. Moreover, because breast are an assets of a female, just by looking at them, men tend to develop an interest in them. For women, men tend to be intrigued by breasts; which tends to drive men's attention towards them. Additionally, because breast are such assets, when a woman puts on lingerie, it drives a man to want to have a better look at them. In fact, some men are curious as to what kind of bra a particular woman is wearing, and it also contributes to an increased interest between men and women. This is why this product is very popular and increase a company's profits if its marketing team makes a good strategy.

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